Tuesday, May 15, 2007


this is a great day. so scrapinstyletv.com launched today. just an AMAZING site. if you have not been over there yet. go go now go as fast as your browser will take you. the site is already 900 members strong and they only opened for business at midnight so that's like less than a day. WHAT THE HECK IS THAT ABOUT! I'm over there and I'm like loving it. i mean really just loving it over there. so many talented artist, so much inspiration. everyone i hold as an influence on my work, they are all over there. and guess what Kristina Contes put me in her favorite artist list. i think i might of had a brain aneurysm when i got the pm that i had been added to her list. and then like a crazy person sends her a "stalker fan mail thank you for adding me" note. I'm sure she thinks I'm crazy now. but she was nice and that makes me like her even more. anyway that was my super awesome great day news.